Sales360: Energy Software To Help Condense Efforts and Win More Deals

4 min read
8 May, 2023

Do you need help keeping track of all the tasks that compete for your attention daily? Commissions, pricing, and seemingly endless spreadsheets can take up a large portion of a supplier’s day, and keeping these responsibilities in order can be challenging. If you struggle to accomplish everything on your to-do list, consider eliminating unnecessary manual work. With energy software like Sales360, you will have everything you need for a streamlined process at the click of a button. Let’s look into how Sales360 can make your data accurate and turn around quickly to help you win more deals.  


Keeping track of spreadsheets, commissions, and energy pricing can be a headache and leave you feeling like you need to juggle more responsibilities. This can be especially difficult when watching the clock to ensure a speedy turnaround. Sales360 is an energy software that helps you supercharge your energy business. With features specifically designed with suppliers' needs in mind, you will find that this energy software will increase efficiency and take your business to the next level. If you need help meeting deadlines and winning deals, Sales360 may be your perfect solution. 

Automation to Profitability

Winning profitable deals is one of the most critical aspects of your business. Losing a potential client due to lack of exposure, sky-high prices, or slow response times can be detrimental. When you utilize Sales360, you get energy software that automates pricing that is visible to customers and brokers.

This helps you save time crunching numbers, expands your reach, and ensures competitive pricing. Starting a potential client-supplier relationship with accurate and timely quotes will set you up for another successful partnership. But Sales360’s features do not end there. This energy software can help you manage the entire customer journey. 

Save Time on Calculations

Traditionally, calculating quotes can take up to five business days. During this time, a competitor can swoop and win the potential customer over. To help ensure that you do not lose customers simply because of slow response times, use Sales360 to get custom quotes in minutes. By producing verified quotes and removing that task from your to-do list, Sales360 can give you more time to foster business relationships and focus on the other tasks.

This feature from our energy software creates more opportunities for your business and increases the number of deals you win. The days of manually processing price requests are behind us. Make sure your business stays competitive by automating custom price quotes. 

Clear and Concise Commissions

Commissioning is another aspect of a supplier’s job that can be time-consuming and overwhelming. With each scenario being unique and complex, it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Brokers expect accurate and timely commission payments. If you do not meet those expectations, a broker could choose to limit how often they partner with you.

However, by creating a seamless commission experience for brokers, you can build happy partnerships and expand your network. Sales360 can help you minimize the stress of energy commission and give you peace of mind when payments are sent out. Fast and accurate commission processing is one of the scenarios where Sales360 excels. Using energy software, you can focus on the key aspects of your commission process and turn it into a stress-free monthly transaction. 

How You Can Win Over Your Brokers

Finding ways to remain competitive in today’s market can be a challenge. Creating new deals and gaining business requires innovation and creativity. Energy software lets you access cutting-edge modules that will impact every aspect of the customer journey. As clients have a positive experience with your business, they will recommend it to others, allowing you to tap into a whole new client base. One of the best ways to ensure a flawless experience and tap into new partnerships is by utilizing Sales360.

At POWWR, we believe that positive supplier-broker partnerships are key factors in winning deals. We created a system that supports and encourages suppliers to connect with new brokers. When you use Sales360, you gain access to the POWWR Marketplace. This energy market network can help you connect with hundreds of brokers and increase your client reach. Our sister energy software, Broker360, is similar to Sales360 but is designed with the unique needs of brokers in mind. With Broker360, users can track their sales and commissions easily. 

The Broker360 and Sales360 software work flawlessly together to create a streamlined system. Every broker and supplier that uses one of our software has access to the POWWR Marketplace, meaning that you can connect with brokers from all over who will operate under a similar system. When a Broker360 and Sales360 user joins forces, it is a cohesive partnership that will increase customer satisfaction. 

Watch the Amount of New Deals Soar with Sales360

We know all these ideas and features can sound good in theory, but some people need to see real evidence of their effects on their businesses. Here are three specific outcomes that can happen when using Sales360.

Greater Staff Efficiency 

While Sales360 works to eliminate unnecessary tasks by automating as much as possible, it frees up time on your staff’s calendar that they can devote to other areas of their job. When an employee feels like they are supported and can manage their workload, it boosts their motivation to work and win more deals. In fact, with Sales360, you can expect to see a 52% increase in staff efficiency. 

Higher Go-live Rates

With increased go-live rates, your business will see more growth. As you gain more exposure, more brokers will want to partner with your business and help you create more opportunities to win deals. Sales360 can help you go-live rates increase by 18%. 

Increased Profits

With numerous modules that you can use to better your business strategy, you will find that Sales360 can help your profit skyrocket. Energy software offers unique features that can help you offer competitive rates while remaining profitable. Sales360 users can see a 257% increase in profits

Greater Efficiency from Submission to Commission

Creating a system that allows you to win more deals, grow your broker network, and streamline your employees’ responsibilities can impact your business. Utilizing energy software like Sales360 can be pivotal in establishing this new system. From submission to the commission, Sales360 is specifically designed to make every step of the sales process more efficient and beneficial. If you want to see how Sales360 can help you win profitable deals, book a demo of Sales360 today! 

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